We are happy to make a [[http://www.qemu.org/|QEMU]] virtual machine image available in qcow2 format. The image has a minimal user-land installed (no graphical components) and is able to boot both the stock Ubuntu kernel and a LITMUS^RT^ kernel when the kernel is configured correctly and QEMU is given the proper arguments. * Link to [[http://rtsrv.cs.unc.edu/vm-imgs/ubuntu.backing.qcow2.img|image]] (about 2 GB). * Link to its [[http://rtsrv.cs.unc.edu/vm-imgs/ubuntu.backing.qcow2.img.SHA256SUM|SHA256SUM]]. {{{#!wiki caution Please note that the kernel and the `liblitmus` included in the image are currently outdated. You'll need to update to a current version from within the VM once it is running. }}} The following command is used to boot the image under QEMU. Make substitutions where necessary. For instance, the parameter passed via `-hda` should be the path to either the above image or a QEMU backing image. The parameter passed via `-kernel` should be the path to the compiled `bzImage`. Leave off `-kernel` and `-append` to boot Grub and the stock Ubuntu kernel. {{{#!highlight bash qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ -cpu host \ -smp 2 \ -hda /path/to/ubuntu.qcow2.img \ -m 1024 \ -name "ubuntu-qemu-cjk" \ -nographic \ -kernel "${kernel}" \ -append "console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda1 ${append}" \ -gdb tcp::12345 \ -net nic \ -net user,hostfwd=::2222-:22 }}}