= How to share liblitmus with a virtual machine = To make the userspace libraries of LITMUS^RT^ (liblitmus) available to the virtual machine in kvm , it is convenient to set up an NFS-server on the host to synchronize the libraries automatically. I used a Debian system for my setup, but it should be easy to adapt the following instructions to other Linux distributions. On both the host and the client, `/var/nfs` will be the shared directory. First we install and configure nfs '''on the host''': {{{ apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap mkdir /var/nfs chown nobody:nogroup /var/nfs/ }}} Enter into `/etc/exports`: {{{ /var/nfs localhost(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,all_squash,insecure,anonuid=1000) }}} Where ''1000'' is the userid for your user name. (View `/etc/passwd` for example) Still on the host, we need to make sure that the NFS directory is shared and that your user account has access to it: {{{ exportfs -a usermod -aG nogroup $USER chmod g+w /var/nfs }}} Again, you should substitute `$USER` with the right name. To make the virtual machine able to use the network and NFS, we need to ensure that the desired features are enabled in the kernel configuration. I had to add for internet connection: * CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET=y * CONFIG_NET_PCI=y * CONFIG_8139CP=y and for NFS: * CONFIG_NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS=y * CONFIG_NFS_V4=y then `make menuconfig` automatically adds: * CONFIG_NFS_FS=y * CONFIG_LOCKD=y * CONFIG_NFS_COMMON=y * CONFIG_SUNRPC=y * CONFIG_SUNRPC_GSS=y * CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5=y * CONFIG_KEYS=y * CONFIG_DNS_RESOLVER=y Now you should start `kvm` with the following command to enable network connection (view also [[VirtualMachineImages|How to start kvm]]) : {{{ kvm -smp 2 -m 512 -boot c -vga std -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 -kernel path_to_kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -append root=/dev/hda1 -hda kvm_image.img }}} '''On the client''' we also need some configurations: {{{ mkdir /var/nfs }}} And we want to automatically mount the new network directory. Add the following entry to `/etc/fstab`: {{{ /var/nfs nfs defaults 0 0 }}}